How to optimize your training if you are short of time.

We all have the same number of hours and minutes in a day.

This is the most common thing I hear from prospective athletes on a daily basis. 

So, here are my 6 top tips to get the most from your training and still have balance in your life.   

1. There is no secret. Its all down to good planning, communication and setting realistic goals. 

2. Plan your workouts daily and weekly with the home and family calendar. So, everyone knows what you are doing and when. 

3. Pick a race where you can add on a holiday for the family. 

4. For a period of time, possibly hire someone to do the cleaning or the garden so it frees up more time for training and family time. 

5. Have a coach. It takes the guess work out of the weeks and makes training specific to you and your goals. 

6. Listen to your body and rest if need be. 

Janette Cardy.