This week, I worked with a client on her “vision board” and how we can make changes to her life. New job, new friends, new social life. We put things in place. And of course its not going to happen over night, but we have short term and long term goals, and we definitely are not trying to change ALL of these things at once.
I also worked with another client on mindset for competitions. And in fact, the format is very similar. Planning is essential, short term and long term goals and also reviewing after each training session and race.
I was also asked how do I do it? How do I stay “on it” all the time. Work wise and training and competitions.
I actually didn’t know the answer there and then. So, went home and thought about it in detail.
Firstly, I am far from perfect and this isn’t about saying you need to do it my way.
This is about demonstrating what works for me right now. It might change in the future but this is my strategy at present.
1. Each day I aim to advance and develop…. In business and in fitness.
2. Each day I appreciate the fact I am able to do what I do. It was almost taken away from me 8 years ago due to ill health and so each and every day I appreciate what I can do and what I can achieve in that day.
3. I imagine what it will feel like when I have achieved that particular goal. I feel it, I see it and I take myself to that place as much as I possibly can.
4. I make lists. Lists each day and each week. I schedule training, work and even rest into my daily plan.
5. If for any reason, my plan changes, I accept it. If i get caught in traffic and cant get to a training session for the planned 90 mins, and can only do 45 mins. I accept that and give it my best for that 45 min session. I cant control everything!
6. I really enjoy what I do. The training, the work, the studying, learning new skills and challenging myself each and every day.
Now, here is what I would like to improve on as like I say, I am far from perfect.
I worry ALOT. I worry I didn’t explain myself enough in a class. I worry I might have pushed an athlete too much. I worry I maybe didn’t smile enough at someone! But, how I get round this is I always aim to give my very best. In EVERYTHING I do. So, if I do upset someone, i just hope they know its never intentional and always comes from a good place.
I am not as patient as I would like to be. I am def patient with my athletes and clients but not with myself. I want things today. I expect improvements from myself quicker than I would ever expect from an athlete I coach. So, how I deal with this is I use my coaches head and tell myself to chill!
I will work 24/7 if I get the chance. Being self employed its tough saying No or turning an opportunity down. How do I work on this, well to be honest, its work in progress. But, one thing I am trying to do, is not reply to every message the instant it comes in. Its ok to leave it 24 hours and maybe have time to think about the answer.
I am very lucky. And I know that and appreciate that. I don’t have a big house, I don’t have millions in the bank. But, I have health, a loving family, great friends, a career I love and I am a strong independent woman.
So, keep working on things we can improve but also appreciate where we are right now.