‘It is always the small pieces that make the big picture’

Our aim at Janette Cardy Fitness is to improve the performance and success of your business; through the improvement of employee well-being, stress levels and resilience. We are passionate about helping people to embrace their fear and doubts, helping to grow their confidence, achieve goals and commit to a change that is right for them.
Sport and business have their similarities; with the main pillar of this being success. Through our fun and interactive workshops we will educate and motivate your employees and colleagues to truly unlock their potential in their own lives.

Did You Know?
- That over 40% of working days are lost due to stress.
- Approximately 50% of the workforce believe low levels of resilience will have a negative impact on performance.
What do we cover?
- Mindset and Motivation
- Menopause in the Workplace
- Menopause Policy Support
- Diet and Nutrition
- Sleep and Recovery
- Dealing with Stress
- Mental Health
- Fitness
- Goal Setting
Why stop there? Put together a long term plan for the health and wellbeing of your whole team. Work alongside us to put in place a long term plan that will help reduce the number of sick days in your business, improve employee retention and produce a feel good feeling around the workplace. If you are wanting to find out more feel free to get in contact below.