
I probably get asked about this every week.

People asking me… Janette help me, I have lost my motivation.

So here are my thoughts.

Remember, motivation will not always be there. You dont need motivation to work out and if you are purely relying on this, you will definitely have a start/stop process.

Here are my 5 top tips:

  1. Start by finding a coach who will support you.
  2. Then just “DO” What I mean here, is if you think about any engrained habit you have such as cleaning your teeth. This hasnt always been part of your daily routine. But the more you have done it, the more engrained it has become. This is the same with exercise. Just start doing!
  3. Find something you enjoy doing. It doesnt have to be that crazy hard workout that your friends are doing. Do something you enjoy doing.
  4. Know your WHY and be proud of yourself for taking care of your own body, mind and soul.
  5. Reach out to Janette Cardy for support. We really do have so many options available to you to help you to enjoy exercise and make it part of your healthier lifestyle.