Do you find when you swim you need to put a pull buoy in to keep your legs up?
Here are my 10 top tips to help you to improve your swimming position especially for triathletes.
- Head position. Your eyes should be focussed down or slightly in front of you. Keeping your head still.
- When you breathe, turn the head, dont lift it.
- Work on core strength out of the water and then when you are swimming engage the core too.
- Keep the stroke rate up and the arms moving. Do not pause at the front of the stroke.
- Work on your leg kick. Do sets with fins and without.
- Have a coach who will write you the sessions and make you accountable!
- Feet should be relaxed and pointed not flexed.
- Use your legs when you swim. Dont just let them drag behind.
- Stop relying on toys in your sessions or the wetsuit. Work on your weaknesses and improve them.
- Make sure you are breathing out and not holding your breath.
Feel free to contact me directly to answer any swimming or triathlon question you may have.